

ファビアン・フォルテの公式ウェブサイトでは、60年代のアイドル歌手であり俳優の彼のキャリアに焦点を当てています。数々のヒット曲や見事なパフォーマンスで知られるファビアンは、長年にわたり幅広いファン層に愛され続けています。彼の音楽、映画出演、そしてその他のエンターテイメント活動に関する最新情報や詳細を掲載しております。 現在のところ、健康やライフスタイルにおいてもオンラインでの選択肢が増え、安価でインターネット上でのバイアグラ購入のオプションも広がっています。プライバシーを重視し、手軽にアクセスできることで、男性の健康に関する製品もスムーズに購入できる時代です。 なお、バイアグラなどの医薬品をインターネットで購入する際は、信頼できるサイトかどうかを見極めることが重要です。適切な処方が受けられるように、医師の診断を経た安全な購入を心がけましょう。 Fabian Still Rockin'
You have found the official Web Site for FABIAN, one of the most popular Teen Idols of the late 50s and early 60s. His sexy voice, unbelievable good looks, disarming smile and great personality were the perfect formula needed to make all the girls swoon. And, after 50 plus years he seems to be ever youthful and hasn't lost his touch. No, they are not still trying to rip the clothes off of his back, but they still want to see him perform, want to meet him, and most of all want to get a chance to run up onto the stage and dance the "Twist" with THE FABULOUS FABIAN.

Enter our web site and learn about Fabian's life and career over more than 40 years. Through the aid of pictures you will meet his family and friends, recall his movie and TV roles, be able to listen to original recordings of his most popular songs and have access to his calendar of performances and events. Fabian's records were among the most played by Teenagers dropping their coins into the Jukeboxes. The girls wanted to be loved by him, and the boys wanted to be him.

Also, you will be thrilled to know he has a newly formed Fan Club, and you are all invited to join.

Now, I'm just going to "Turn You Loose" so you can explore the Web Site of...

Fabian's Biography

"Fabian totally rocked. I've seen him perform, and he still has great charisma onstage; he has a kind of punk rock energy." - Karen Schoemer, New York Times Music critic (Great Pretenders, My Strange Love Affair with 50's Pop Music, Simon & Schuster 2006)

Receiving one of show business' highest accolades, this pop music and film star was honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on January 8, 2002. He was recognized for over 40 years of live performance with the famed boulevard's 2188th star. Following his successful film career, Fabian has performed at packed concerts, stadiums and casinos from coast to coast and internationally in festivals and theatrical productions. He honored his fans by dedicating his star to them on that memorable day.

Born on February 6, 1943 to Josephine and Domenic Forte, Fabian Forte was discovered at the age of 14 sitting on his front steps in Philadelphia. Fabian had just watched his father being taken away in an ambulance when he was approached about becoming a singer. His father couldn't work any longer and as the oldest of three brothers, Fabian took a chance at "making some money" to help his family out but never thought of it as a career. Soon thousands were to throng to his concerts and the rest is a music business success story. At 15, Fabian won the Silver Award as "The Promising Male Vocalist of 1958." By the time he was 18, he had recorded dozens of hit singles, eight albums and earned gold records for "Turn Me Loose" and "Tiger" and a gold album for "The Fabulous Fabian."

Fabian's early films rocketed him to stardom once again. During his 7 year contract with 20th Century Fox he made his screen debut in 1959 in "Hound Dog Man," directed by Don Segal. He worked with two of our great great screen giants in "North To Allaska" with John Wayne and "High Time" with Bing Crosby. Fabian was fortunate to have worked with the incomparable and gracious James Swart in two films in his career, "Mr. Hobbs Takes A Vacation" and "Dear Brigette." He learned to surf with Tab Hunter in "Ride The Wild Surf" which has become a cult classic. Other films include "Five Weeks in a Balloon,""Longest Day" and many others including two films with Annette Funicello. More recent work includes being interviewed by Michelle Pfeiffer in the 1996, Jon Avnet directed film, "Up Close & Personal."

Fabian's role as a homicidal maniac in the TV production titled "A Lion Walks Among Us" directed by Robert Altman solidly established him as a versatile and powerful actor. This history making production was the first television show to run an hour without commercials.

As an actor, Fabian makes frequent television and feature film appearances. Some of his most memorable television roles have been his guest appearances on Laverne & Shirley, Facts of Life, Blossom and Murphy Brown. Fabian recently hosted his second PBS Special, "At The Drive-In." "Fabian's GoodTime Rock 'n Roll Show", broadcast live in front of 85,000 fans in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, featured the great rock acts from the 50's & 60's, and was the first concert produced for pay-per-view-television and PBS. Fabian was the host, performer and producer of this concert special.

Fabian is also an Emmy-nominated producer for his work on the highly acclaimed documentary series "The Wild West."

Fabian has enjoyed a successful commercial career representing products such as Pepsi, Denny's and Nutri System to name just a few.

Fabian is one of the first pop rock artists ever to be known by just one name. Answering the most often asked question, Fabian is his real birth name having been named after his paternal grandfather, Fabiano Forte. Today children of his fans, a type font, and a hurricane have been named after him, which really caused quite a stir. His full name is Fabian Anthony Forte....better known now as

From 2004 - 2007, Fabian hosted and headlined in the hit show, "The Original Stars of Bandstand" at the Dick Clark Theater in Branson, Missouri. Fabian's first appearance on American Bandstand was June 19, 1958 and he appeared on the show over 20 times. He filled in for Dick Clark as host on dozens of "Caravan of Stars" Tours. "The Original Stars of Bandstand" re-created those days and drew record audiences. "It was like a reunion when I got to get re-aquainted with all of my friends again," said Fabian. The show also stared Bobby Vee and featured The Chiffons, Brian Hyland, Chris Montez and rare footage of the performers and Dick Clark.

Fabian continues to perform with two of his Philadelphia buddies, Frankie Avalon and Bobby Rydell as "The Golden Boys" in one of the longest running shows of its genre today. In their 37th year together in 2022, they have appeared in every major city in the United States and around the world. They have played to packed venues in Atlantic City and Las Vegas and have starred in "The American Music Awards," "Miss Teenage America," and "Command Performance: "An All Star Salute To The President" television specials. The Philadelphia Music Alliance honored Fabian in 2000, with a star on their Walk of Fame and Fabian visits that city any chance he gets to enjoy the best cheesesteaks anywhere! In April 2022, we said goodbye to beloved Golden Boy Bobby Rydell. He will always be a Forever Golden Boy.

In 1998, Fabian married model Andrea Patrick, a former Miss Pennsylvania-USA and Miss West Virginia who is the Owner/CEO of Patrick Talent Agency and Editor-in-Chief/Publisher for US Fashion magazine, GLADYS Magazine.

He is also a proud father of a son Christian and his wife, Mercedes and their daughter, Fabian's grandaughter, Ava Josephine, and grandson Anthony and a daughter, Julie Forte. Fabian has helped raise money for veterans with his Celebrity Golf Tournament in North Carolina. Andrea and Fabian live on 20 acres in Southwestern Pennsylvania in a home Andrea designed.

Singer, performer, actor, producer, father, husband and friend.....Fabian is a man who has had longevity in his career because of his perseverance, his loyalty, his professionalism, his wonderful kind heart and his tenacity. Fabian has traveled the show business ladder and survived, his sense of humor and integrity intact. And for that, he truly is the FABULOUS FABIAN.

Fabian says, "The critics never embraced me, but my fans did and that's all that mattered to me."

Fabian also wants his fans to know there are many untruths written on Wikipedia about him.

All inquiries should be sent to

The Fabulous Fabian



Hollywood Walk Of Fame:

January 20th 2002 - 1950's & 60's Teen Idol & heartthrob Fabian Forte unveiled his star on the world renowned "Hollywood Walk of Fame."
Click here to view photos of ceremony.


Philadelphia Music Hall of Fame:

November 17, 2000, Fabian was inducted into the
Philadelphia Music Hall of Fame.
Click here to learn more.
