
From Fans

Share Your Stories and Memories

On this page we encourage Fabian's Fans to e-mail us and tell your stories and memories about Fabian's concert appearances around the world. If you have a digital camera or can scan your photos, please include those. We hope to update this every week or so.
E-mail us at

Subject: Thanks
From: John Glass
Date: 01/02/20 2:40 AM

Fabian, thank you for your gifts of entertainment. I have enjoyed your career as it brought family entertainment as it should be. Your music and acting is still great to hear and see. All the best to you and your family.

God Bless,
John Glass

Subject: Happy Birthday, Fabian!
From: Ake Roos
Date: 2/6/19 7:13 AM

Happy Birthday, Fabian! Congrats from Sweden!  Thanks for your music and your movies.

Ake Roos

Subject: Fabian Forte Fan Mail Address??
From: A Fan
Date: Oct 3 at 11:04 PM

One of the best memories my aunt, who turns 78 later this month, has is of from the mid 1950s, when she got to dance with Fabian on Jim Lounsbury's "Record Hop" in her native Chicago, where she still lives, now in a southern suburb.

We've all heard that story countless times, and love the way her face lights up when she tells it.  Since being admitted to the hospital Sept. 15, she has been diagnosed with cancer and has had some really difficult days when pain and nausea have made her too miserable to be her usual chatty, cheerful self.

We all KNEW she had turned a corner Sunday when she sat up and started telling her Fabian story again!

I have never written any sort of fan letter in my life, but I would like to write Mr. Forte. I'm sure he's aware of how popular he was with so many fans at the height of his career. By dancing with my aunt, he not only gave her the thrill of her teen years and made her somewhat of a celebrity among her friends and classmates, he provided an experience she  has continued to enjoy throughout the 60+ years of her life since.

Most importantly, I would like him to know that although no longer a teenybopper, my aunt still glows when she speaks of that dance, and now, at the lowest and most frightening time of her life, that memory was the first thing she spoke of when she had a surge of energy after a particularly rough few days!

Little did teenaged Fabian know that his dancing with a random girl on a TV show would, over 60 years later, bring a 78-year-old cancer patient comfort and something to brag about with her friends and family!

You can't imagine how thrilled we all were to hear that story (for the 1,000,000,00th time) the other day. That's when we knew our beloved auntie is still herself!

Although Mr. Forte is retired from the most active part of his career, I would like the opportunity to let him know the positive impact he STILL brings to his fans from his earliest years as a star.

Just prior to her first chemo session, she was a bundle of nerves and tears. Just asking her to tell me about when she danced with Fabian enabled her to think about the best time of her life, and helped distract her from her fears.

She's headed to a rehab center where she will have therapy to regain and maintain strength while going for chemo once every 3 weeks for the next 18 weeks.  I'm sure as the cumulative side effects begin to evidence themselves we will ask to hear about the night she danced with Fabian to get her through.

Can you please provide me with the appropriate address for directing "fan mail"?

Thank you very much,
the grateful family of a lifelong fan

Subject: Montreal 1960
From: Robert Goudreau
Date: 2/8/2018 7:26 AM

Hi Fabian,

You don't remember that but I do.

In 1960 we, les Kodiaks du Mont-Saint-Louis, won the collegial football championship. A group of players went to the Nanking, a restaurant in Montreal's Chinatown, to enjoy our victory.

While we were waiting for our food, suddenly, there was a lot of noise, girls screaming and coming up the stairs you came in with friends while they were clearing the crowd downstairs. We were quite impress to see a great star like you.

A few minutes later the waiter came to our table with bottles of champagne. We told him that we didn't order champagne. He said that he had told you that
we were celebrating our championship and you offered it to us.

The captains of the team (I was captain for the defense) went to your table to thank you. We met a very nice guy, a very interresting guy (I still remember your comments about how difficult it was to register the hit songs)…a great guy.

You invited us to your concert at the Montreal Forum that evening and said that you would present us to the crowd.   Most of us took tickets for the show. One of our player, Yvon Robert Jr, son of Yvon Robert the wrestler, had received from his dad an old (1940's) Buick. We took his car to take you from your hotel to the Forum and acted as your bodyguards.

It was a great show! At the end, true to your word, you introduced us And there was around 20 persons shouting and aplauding…ourselves. It took me some years to realise that a Collegial Football Championship in the USA is a big thing. In the sixties, in Canada, it was a non-event.

I already thanked you for the champagne but I want to thank you again for the memory of meeting a great person. (I know i'm using the term ''great'' very often but it's your fault…I'm just describing). I've told my family, friends, etc… about  that event.

I'm so happy to see that you're still active and doing well.

Robert Goudreau

Subject: The Golden Boys
From: Aaron De Angelis 
Date: Mon 7/24/2017 3:02 PM

Good afternoon!  

I just wanted to say how great Fabian sounded Friday night at the Sugar House Casino!  Fabian you still got it!!  Wish my Dad (Peter De Angelis) was around to go to the show with me.

Best of health to you and hope to see you in concert again soon!!!

Aaron De Angelis 

Subject: Dinner with Fabian
From: Betty Rogers
Date: Tue 6/27/2017 2:07 AM

I don't recall the year, but Fabian was doing the CP Telethon in Green Bay Wisconsin, I was answering phones for  Mothers of Twin Club, after the telethon was over the last night they had dinner at a hotel down the street, Fabian Sat next to me at our table and we all had a very enjoyable evening .... He is a great person, funny and very easy going .... not at all what you expect from someone with that much notoriety. Talked all about his family and how special they are.

Subject: The Golden Boys
From: Cathy Humeniak
Date: Thu 4/6/2017 6:29 PM

Woo Hoo!   I am so excited to hear The Golden Boys are coming to Branson, MO in October.  I have been contacting the theaters in Branson for years requesting this.  I have been waiting to see this show for years .... And so happy to be able to see Fabian once again in Branson, along with Frankie and Bobby.  

When Fabian was performing in Branson along with Bobby Vee, Lou Christie, etc in 2007 we went to see them and even received back stage passes.  What an exciting time!!!  I did get my record albums signed and now have in frames.  My husband and I also went to see Frankie in Branson but I haven't had a chance to see Bobby as yet.  

So happy to see Fabian will be back .... planning to call the Andy Williams Performing Arts Center in the morning to get my tickets first thing tomorrow morning.  See you in October Fabian!

Cathy Humeniak

October 2007  Cathy Humeniak and Fabian (back stage getting album signed)

October 2007   Bobby Vee, sister-in-law Chris Eyler, husband Joe Humeniak, Fabian 
& Cathy Humeniak 

Cath ,,,, On stage with Fabian !!!! 


Subject: Ride the Wild Surf
From: Mahalo, Steven
Date: Fri 5/20/2016 3:09 PM

Aloha, when Ride the wild surf was being filmed in hawaii at Haleiwa Beach, I lived across the street. I used to go over there everyday they were there filming. I was 10 years old. I had 2 casts on my broken arms from falling out of a mango tree.

I am now 62 and remember it clearly.
I remember the whole cast of Ride the Wild Surf including Fabian signed my arm casts.
I also remember people taking pictures of me. I am trying to hunt down pictures of myself from that time. Trying to find out if Fabian remembers the little boy in Hawaii with the broken arms? ....and if he has any pictures or if he knows anyone still from that production that would have any photos of me. Several people took pictures of me and with me.

Mahalo, Steven.

Subject: Fabian
From: Ronny Ballegeer
Date: Mon 4/4/2016 12:30 AM

To make a long story short……

I was born on the 6th of February 1951…..   And since I was a child I was listening to the radio, mostly Radio Luxemburg, in that time they spoke flemish, and that is mu language, I am from Belgium, Bruges, now living in Spain, and yes that time we Heard a lot of music from the uk and the usa….
Then came the pirate radios, ships who were operating from the sea, and that opened a new world for us….  I still talk about the 1960’s.
But, because you have the same day and month of birth, it was something special for me….   That is why i love you songs so much. And I do want to thqnk you very much for those very nice songs you brought to the world.  Thank you and I do widh you all the best and health.

Ronny Ballegeer

Subject: North to Alaska
From: Cris Signori
Date: Tue 3/15/2016 4:55 PM

I was sharing the film  North to Alaska with some seniors at a retirement residence this past Sunday and we has such a good time.   I am sure that you have some very fond memories of making the film.   I hope you and your family are very well.

Cris Signori

Subject: Happybirthday
From: Yukko
Date: February 7, 2016 at 4:36 AM

Happy Birthday FABIAN!
What about your health of your body?
I always care about your health.
And we fans always love You.
You’re our idol even now,and great ICON!


Subject: Happy Birthdaty
From: Pat (Mazzillo) Turocy
Date: February 6, 2016 at 9:13 PM

Hi Fabian, Happy Birthday!  I'm not sure if you will remember me (I was only 2 when you were discovered), but I am your youngest first cousin on your mom's side - my maiden name is Mozzillo, and my dad was your uncle Carmen.  My husband and I happened to be talking about music this afternoon, and somehow your name came up.  When I googled you I realized that today is your birthday.  I now live in the Phoenix area in the winter, and in Wisconsin in the summer.  I spent most of my adult life in the Chicago area after being transferred out there and meeting my husband.

I loved looking at the family pictures on your web site.  I used to keep in touch and visit Aunt Mary - and she actually gave me some pictures from your wedding. I still keep in touch with her granddaughter Linda.

We do get to the LA. area sometimes in the winter, and I would love to see you sometime. I know my brother Carmen & his wife visited you, but I don't have your address or any other way of contacting you.

Please let me know if you and your wife would be ok with a visit.  Or if you're ever in the Phoenix area in the winter please let me know.

Pat (Mozzillo) Turocy

From: S.K.Joshi
Date: Fri 2/5/2016 10:33 PM

Good morning.I sincerely hope that you are keeping very fine,in good health.Please accept my heartiest wishes on your birthday,today.

With high regards

Subject: Tonight's Concert
From: Greg Gottlob
Date: Fri 11/13/2015 11:48 AM

I am so looking forward to tonight's (11/13/2015)  Fabian, Frankie Avalon and Bobby Rydell concert at The Sands in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

Needless to say, our collective expectations have grown during the past 4 months!

And with good fortune, perhaps we'll be treated with an autograph on the picture my father had taken of Fabian and Frankie Avalon in the late 50's (+/-).  It's the photo posted on your web site mid July of this year. 

What a sight that would be!  A current photograph of Fabian and Frankie Avalon looking at and  holding a picture of themselves some 50+   years earlier!

Thanks again as we count down the hours before tonight's show!

- - Greg Gottlob

Subject: My Name
From: Fabian Timmons
Date: Sun 11/1/2015 2:50 PM

I was named Fabian because of Fabian Forte. His music will always be in my collection.

Thank you

Subject: Picture of Earlier You And?
From: Greg Gottlob
Date: Wed 7/22/2015 12:14 PM

My father passed away about 2 years ago and have had opportunities to review boxes of photographs.  Mostly family but many from events.  He was a well known trumpet player (back in the day) in the Philadelphia area and would tout his Nikon in the trumpet case next to the mutes.  Just in case!

The attached image always made him smile as he recalled meeting you . . . . . . and another popular star of the day.  An 8 x 10 is the only image of this moment.  No negative has been found or exists.

I believe the person next to you is Frankie Avalon, Bobby Rydell or Bobby Vee.  All Philadelphia up and coming renowned artists. 

When time permits, can you let me know who is sharing the moment with you?  My brother and I would be so appreciative!

If desired, a hard copy of the image is yours for the asking!

May good health, good friends and a loving family be your constant companions!


Greg Gottlob


Fabian & Frankie Avalon

Subject: Sloan Iowa Winnevegas Casino
From: Christine Blevins
Date: Sun 4/5/2015 1:52 PM

I wanted to say I just saw Fabian in concert with the American Bandstand stars last night in Sloan Iowa Winnevegas Casino. It was a great show, I was hoping to have a picture with him but when I was there the other singers were out there.I was dissaponted I missed the opportunity. He did a great show.

Christine Blevins

Subject: Sort message for Fabe
From: Jim Roberts
Date: Sat 2/21/2015 12:15 AM


1977, Indianapolis Indiana, PEPPERMINT TIGER NIGHT CLUB, You played a week there. I was your body guard for the week. Remember the people crashed through me and the dressing room door, you had an ax in your fought them back out and shut door. we had a good laugh, you and the girls. I was watching a movie which you were in and thought I would say hello. Jim Roberts is still my name, still in shape enjoying life. If you come to Indy, have someone drop an e-mail and I will catch your show. Take care!

Subject: What is the date?
From: LJ Simmons
Date: Sunday, February 15, 2015 2:19 PM

Can you tell me the date of the live Dick Clark special that devulged to the world the earth shatterring news of what Fabian's last name was.   My sister can not remember anything about it and she watched it.  I'd like to know the date. Thank you.   

LJ Simmons

Fabian Thinks early 1959 on the Saturday Night Beechnut Show. May have been January 17, 1959.

Subject: Carol Webber
From: Lance Yaeger
Date: Fri 2/13/2015 1:56 PM

Do you recall a Carol Webber being president of the Fabian Fan club in South Jersey during the late 50's/early 60's?

What info do you have on her? I recently came across some articles on her & I'm hoping you can shed some light on her.


Fabian think she has passed away - but just not sure about anything else. Sorry.

Subject: Thank You
From: Carol & Ron Cecil
Date: Sun 2/8/2015 7:55 PM

My husband and I attended the Golden Boys concert at the South Florida State College last night, Feb. 7, 2015.  Terrific!  We enjoyed every minute and wish we could go back again tonight!  All the people around us (sold out house) were equally as happy with the concert.  We just wanted to thank Fabian for reminding us that we are all still young at heart!

Carol & Ron Cecil
Sebring Fl.

Subject: Birthday News
From: Jackie and Michelle Boebel
Date: Fri 2/6/2015 2:36 PM

This is to wish you a very Happy Birthday on this 2/6/15. My daughter and I met you, and your wife at the Pala concert you and your wife are very pleasant people. Happy Birthday and have a great day and stay healthy]

Jackie and Michelle Boebel from San Diego

Subject: Birthday
From: Ronny Ballegeer
Date: Sun 2/1/2015 10:24 PM

Dear Fabian,

I would like to give you my best wishes for you birthday the 6th of February.

You are one of my favourite singers of the 1950 1960's.  And as a matter of fact, my birthday is also the 6th of February.

So.  All the best in what you are doing.
Ronny Ballegeer
San Juan de los Terreros
But I am a Belgian, living in Spain....  It is better here.

Subject: Thank you for visit
From: Roger Spikes
Date: Tue 1/20/2015 8:00 PM

Fabian, or now Mr. Forte,
This is Roger Spikes. 

There is little chance that you will remember me or the event I am about to relate, but I will always remember you, for a kindness that you did for our family, many years ago. In the late 50's and early 60's, my brothers and I helped musicians and singers move their instruments in and out of the civic center in Panama City, Florida. 

Performers allowed us backstage, to watch the shows from there.  We did not ask for pay.  We were just so glad for the experiences.  We were a poor family. At the time we met you there, our baby sister, Wanda, was a patient at Bay Memorial Hospital, probably dying, we had been told, from Hodgkins Disease (cancer of the throat).
Since you were her very favorite singer, we asked if you would be kind enough, time permitting, to surprise her with a visit her after the said "Yes!", and you did! You paid her a lot of sincere attention, and encouraged her to keep up the spirit and to fight the good fight.

Wanda survived, mainly because of our Mother's faith and prayers, and, I think, that for a little while you, the famous Fabian, lifted her spirits and encouraged her. She now lives in Waco, Texas, and is a grandmother with a large and loving family.

I want to thank you sincerely, for that major thing you did for Wanda.  From the heart, it was one of the finest things anyone ever did for any member of our family. We all remember you fondly.  Although you had nothing to gain, and your time was of the essence, you did it anyway.  Your parents raised a son that they can justly be proud of.

Gratefully yours,
Roger Spikes

Subject: Thank you
From: Bill Poulos
Date: Thu 11/13/2014 11:40 AM

Hi Fabian-

A little earlier, you graciously called my wife Karen to wish her a speedy recovery from her hip surgery.  She cried with delight, as you were her teenage idol.  You made her very happy and I just wanted you to know how much we appreciate your call, you are a great fellow. 
May God Bless you and your family always.

Thanks again,
Bill Poulos

Subject: 45s
From: Tommy Frisk
Date: Sun 10/19/2014 11:46 AM


Just wanna send a picture of my Fabian records that I´m collecting . The best music ever , and I´ve been listening on some of these records since the 60´s .

Best regards from Tommy , Sweden

Subject: Meet & Greet
From: Ruth Ann Erdmann
Date: Wed 10/15/2014 11:29 AM

Thanks so much for the opportunity to meet & greet It was great The concert was great. Really appreciate you consideration.

Ruth Ann Erdmann

PS - Here is the photo of Fabian (& Rydell & Avalon) with my husband Dick & myself. Thanks again.




Hollywood Walk Of Fame:
January 20th 2002 - 1950's & 60's Teen Idol & heartthrob Fabian Forte unveiled his star on the world renowned "Hollywood Walk of Fame."
Click here to view photos of ceremony.