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The Forte Family Through the Years



Domenic, Thomas, Josephine, Fabian & Robert Forte
October 1962

Dancing with mom

Fabian and Mom with neighborhood kids

Fabian, dad and mom with Dick Clark

Dad serves up that wonderful home made Italian cookery

In playroom of Philadelphia home, Fabian performs for his parents and little brother Tommy

"Sounds good," Mother tells Fabian. Father and brother agree.

Fabian grabs a nap in his Philadelphia home between school and rehearsal for his tour

Fabian at school

Fabian & Andrea

Mr. & Mrs. Forte
September 19, 1998

Frannie DeNato, Fabian & Robert Forte

Aunt Mary DiGennarro -- Josephine Forte's Sister

Fabian and Andrea with Richard Patrick, Andrea's Father

Fabian and Andrea with
her Father and Mothere


Philadelphia Music Hall of Fame
November 17, 2000

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Hollywood Walk Of Fame:
January 20th 2002 - 1950's & 60's Teen Idol & heartthrob Fabian Forte unveiled his star on the world renowned "Hollywood Walk of Fame."
Click here to view photos of ceremony.